How Long Can Invisalign Attachments Last?

By: Dr. Ellen Katz


Invisalign treatment is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic aligners to gradually shift teeth into their proper position. In some cases, attachments may be added to the teeth to help the aligners grip and move them more effectively.

At Maison BE Dental Studio in New York, NY, Dr. Ellen Katz helps patients adjust to and maintain their Invisalign equipment. Keep reading to find out how long Invisalign attachments last and how to prolong their lifespan.

What should I know before getting Invisalign aligners?

Invisalign clear aligners are practically invisible and offer several advantages over traditional metal braces. However, the success of Invisalign treatment largely depends on the attachments that hold the aligners in place. Invisalign attachments are tooth-colored buttons placed on specific teeth to ensure that the aligners fit snugly and apply the right amount of force to move the teeth into the desired position.

Invisalign attachments are made of a composite resin material that is highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. These attachments are bonded to the teeth using a special adhesive designed to prevent damage to the teeth.

But while Invisalign attachments are highly durable, they are not invincible.

How long do Invisalign attachments last?

The lifespan of these attachments can vary depending on various factors, such as:

  • The location of the attachment (For example, attachments on the front teeth generally have a shorter lifespan than attachments on the back teeth)
  • How well the patient follows the treatment plan
  • The type and size of attachment used
  • The patient's oral hygiene habits (particularly how often you remove your aligners)

On average, Invisalign attachments can last from a few weeks to several months.

Some dental professionals suggest replacing attachments every 4 – 6 weeks to ensure continued treatment success. It is important to note that while Invisalign attachments can significantly prolong the lifespan of clear aligners, they are not always required.

If an attachment falls off before it is supposed to, Dr. Katz can easily replace it during your next office visit. In fact, some dentists prefer to replace attachments every time you switch to a new set of aligners to ensure that they are always in the best possible condition.

With regular check-ups and maintenance by your orthodontist, your attachments will ensure your teeth straightening journey is comfortable and successful.

How to maintain Invisalign attachments

Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent bacterial buildup that can weaken attachment bonds over time. Additionally, avoiding hard and sticky foods that can damage attachments can also help prolong their durability.

To ensure attachment longevity, patients should be mindful of habits such as biting nails, chewing on pens, or grinding teeth, which can also compromise attachment durability.

While it ultimately depends on patient compliance and proper care, understanding the factors that can affect attachment lifespan may help patients achieve optimal results. Consistent communication with the dentist can also provide insight into how to maintain attachment durability throughout treatment.

How often do Invisalign attachments get replaced?

While aligners are replaced every two weeks, the attachments are left in place for the entire treatment duration, ranging from 6 – 18 months.

Despite proper care, Invisalign attachments may need replacement if they become damaged or detached. In such cases, patients should contact Dr. Katz right away for a replacement attachment.

Get Invisalign treatment in New York, NY

At Maison BE Dental Studio, Dr. Ellen Katz wants to ensure that a patient's Invisalign clear aligners investment lasts as long as possible and has an optimal outcome.

To learn more about getting the smile you've dreamed of or getting maintenance advice on your current Invisalign aligners, schedule an appointment at our office in New York, NY today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.